50 Year Old Son Using Drugs

50 Year Old Son Using Drugs
About 18 months ago I discovered that my 50 year old son was using drugs again. I was aware of past use, but he was caught and nearly lost his family. I naively thought he would never use again.
Little did I know that addiction takes over and reasoning no longer exists. My world crumbled; I was filled with fear, sadness and a deep sense of loss.
I had been encouraged to attend Nar-Anon meetings, but I wasn’t sure what purpose they had.
From the first meeting I felt a warm welcome, full of encouragement and compassion. From the second meeting with my Nar-Anon group, I understood the importance of attending. Now I understand more about addiction, feel hope of recovery and a sense of peace.
The ‘SESH’ book of daily readings, 12 Step Program Workbook, and other materials are all wonderful
As a Christian I have found the emphasis on a higher power to be hopeful for my family and my addict. There are still painful days, but I have a resource and I am grateful for this program and for you.