A Friend Suggested Nar-Anon

A Friend Suggested Nar-Anon
I was in tears, in despair and in public when a friend suggested Nar-Anon to me, “Have you heard of Nar-Anon?” I had heard of them once before but not taken any further steps. This time I did and thank goodness I did. My life was in tatters after a broken marriage to a methamphetamine user.
One of my adult children was using ice too and another was using marijuana all day and night. I felt used and abused. I couldn’t work, couldn’t get sleep and was exhausted by urgent requests for money and the verbal abuse that goes with it all. My mental and physical health were at their worst.
I attended a Zoom meeting of Nar-Anon. Although I wasn’t sure how it would help, the organisers suggested I come to 6 meetings before making my mind up. 6 meetings later I was in a much healthier state of mind and body.
I was amazed to find a non-judgemental community of people who knew exactly what I had been through. Their stories sounded like mine and mine sounded like theirs. There were other parents and partners just like me.
One year on and my life is manageable and thriving. I have healthier boundaries with my children and a better relationship with myself. This kind and welcoming Nar-Anon community continues to support desperate newcomers, just like they did for me.
The meetings are wonderful, the daily reader (SESH book) is fantastic and the steps make sense as you go along.